• ing. kimlik
  • bir julio noboa polanco şiiri, as follows:


    let them be as flowers,
    always watered, fed, guarded, admired,
    but harnessed to a pot of dirt.

    i’d rather be a tall, ugly weed,
    clinging on cliffs, like an eagle
    wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks.

    to have broken through the surface of stone,
    to live, to feel exposed to the madness
    of the vast, eternal sky.
    to be swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea,
    carrying my soul, my seed, beyond the mountains of time
    or into the abyss of the bizarre.

    i’d rather be unseen, and if
    then shunned by everone,
    than to be a pleasant-smelling flower,
    growing in clusters in the fertile valley,
    where they’re praised, handled and plucked
    by greedy, human hands.

    i’d rather smell of musty, green stench
    than of sweet, fragrant lilac.
    if i could stand alone, strong and free,
    i’d rather be a tall, ugly weed.
  • @@identity.. mssql'de son insert edilen row'un identity degerini donduren fonksiyon..
  • değişkenlerin alacağı değer ne olursa olsun sağlanan denklem.

    çok zaman "tanım" özelliğindeki eşitlikler için de kullanılır.
    (makroekonomideki gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla)
  • blaze'in "silicon messiah" albümünde yer alan harika parça:


    madness can come from the mind or the heart
    ending is never as good as the start
    nothing is ever as good as your dream
    nothing is ever as bad as

    psychological confusion
    is caused by the inability
    to reconcile different elements
    in my own pesonality

    i'm feeling all the wrong things, i have become my own shadow
    if i could justify things, then i could believe in my life

    who am i, what is me, losing my identity.
    who am i, what is me, something's taking over.

    all the colours seem so vague now, sharper now here comes the pain
    i have wrestled with this nightmare, now i live inside a dream
    i'm going through a crisis, losing my identity
    how can i reconcile this
    have i been living a lie

    who am i, what is me, losing my identity.
    who am i, what is me, something's taking over.

    nothing is ever as good as it seems
    nothing is ever as good as your dreams
    the ending is never as good as the start
    madness can come from the mind or the heart

    ideas that i take for granted, are they just the seeds
    that some one else has planted, right inside of me

    who am i, what is me
    i am myself no longer
  • x ray spex'in germ free adolescents albümünde yer alan ve poly styrene'nin iç gıcıklayıcı çığlığıyla başlayan güzel şarkı..

    identity is the crisis can't you see
    when you look in the mirror
    do you see yourself
    do you see yourself
    on the tv screen
    do you see yourself in the magazine
    when you see yourself
    does it make you scream
    when you look in the mirror
    do you smash it quick
    do you take the glass
    and slash your wrists
    did you do it for fame
    did you do it in a fit
    did you do it before
    you read about it
  • @@identity, mssqlde table'dan, scopetan ve tabledan bağımsız olarak, var olan sessionda insert edilmiş son kolonun id'sini döndürür. farklı olarak:
    (bkz: ident current)
    (bkz: scope identity)
  • sonyden gelecek yeni bir gerilim filmi. john cusack,ray liotta,amanda peet gibi oyuncular ba$rolde. konusu ise kisaca yagmurlu bir havada bir col oteline siginan on ki$iyi ele aliyor. fakat sonradan aralarindan birinin katil olmasi ve hepsinin teker teker gebermeleriyle olaylar geli$iyor*. sonra farkediyorlar ki hepsi otele bir neden dolayi cagrilmi$lar.

    websitesi ise $u $ekilde:
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