• selcuk erdem tarzi esprileri yapan, yurtdisinda pek taninan ama selcuk erdem'in havada karada basacagi bi karikaturist.. bu da inek saplantili..
  • (bkz: the far side)
  • far side esprilerinin internet uzerinden okunmasina izin vermeyen kisi.
  • türk mizah dergilerinin velinimeti.
  • internette farside olaylarinin okunmasina izin vermemek icin butun bu internet sitelerine, ilisikteki e-mail'i yollamis/yollatmis olan kisi;

    to whom it may concern:

    i'm walking a fine line here.

    on the one hand, i confess to finding it quite flattering that some of my fans have created web sites displaying and / or distributing my work on the internet. and, on the other, i'm struggling to find the words that convincingly but sensitively persuade these far side enthusiasts to "cease and desist" before they have to read these words from some lawyer.

    what impact this unauthorized use has had (and is having) in tangible terms is, naturally, of great concern to my publishers and therefore to me -- but it's not the focus of this letter. my effort here is to try and speak to the intangible impact, the emotional cost to me, personally, of seeing my work collected, digitized, and offered up in cyberspace beyond my control.

    years ago i was having lunch one day with the cartoonist richard guindon, and the subject came up how neither one of us ever solicited or accepted ideas from others. but, until richard summed it up quite neatly, i never really understood my own aversions to doing this: ''it's like having someone else write in your diary, he said. and how true that statement rang with me . in effect, we drew cartoons that we hoped would be entertaining or, at the very least, not boring; but regardless, they would always come from an intensely personal, and therefore original perspective.

    to attempt to be "funny" is a very scary, risk-laden proposition. (ask any stand-up comic who has ever "bombed" on stage.) but if there was ever an axiom to follow in this business, it would be this: be honest to yourself and -- most important -- respect your audience.

    so, in a nutshell (probably an unfortunate choice of words for me), i only ask that this respect be returned, and the way for anyone to do that is to please, please refrain from putting the far side out on the internet. these cartoons are my "children," of sorts, and like a parent, i'm concerned about where they go at night without telling me. and, seeing them at someone's web site is like getting the call at 2:00 a.m. that goes, "uh, dad, you're not going to like this much, but guess where i am."

    i hope my explanation helps you to understand the importance this has for me, personally, and why i'm making this request.

    please send my "kids" home. i'll be eternally grateful.

    most respectfully,

    gary larson
  • bir karikatüründe; ıssız adada oturan iki arkadaştan birinin, diğeri uyurken gözlüğüne gemi resmi çizip sonra da "hey gemi geliyor gemi! hadi uyan gözlüğünü tak da bak, kurtulduk!" diye esek sakası yaptığı, başlıca konu başlıklarını; hayvanlar dünyası (özellikle kedi, köpek ve inekler), uzaylılar, ıssız ada, taş devri, cennet ve cehennemin oluşturduğu -burda akla nedense selcuk erdem geliyor tesadüf işte- , esprilerini anlamak için belli bir iq seviyesinin üzerinde olmanın zaruriyet taşıdığı büyük amerikan karükatüristi.
  • böle selcuk erdemin bi karikatürü vardi, iki koyun bi agilin icinde elde aletler yerde cizimler uzay mekii yapmaya calisiyolardi ciftciler de ne o lan medeniyet mi yapiyonuz diodu, soradan uzun aramalar sonucu elime gecen bi the far side gallery kitaplarinin birinde iki inek'in elde testere uzay gemisi yaptiklarini ve ciftcilerden birinin bu ineklere o yaptiginiz seyin ucucagini mi saniyosunuz dedigini gördugumde selceuk erdemin gözümdeki karizmasini bi anda yerle bir eden karikatürleri yapan kisi, ulu insan
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