• 806 numaralı south park episode'u, yine nefis, sezonun hiti olmaya aday.
    dünya hiç bu kadar erkeği gelecek kaygısı yüzünden birbiriyle vuruşurken görmemişti.
    they took our jobs!
  • aynı zamanda 8. sezonun ilk yarısının son bölümüdür. ekim 2004e kadar yeni south park bölümü yayınlanmayacaktır.*
  • southpark'in gelmis gecmis en komik bolumu olma potansiyeline sahip 20 dakikalik kahkaha soleni... amerika ve diger gelismis ulkelerdeki immigrant sorununa gonderme yapar, ozellikle future language kullanimlari yerlerde surundurur.
    "the sad girl put balls in her mouth" or in future speak of course "hiöök hourgh balls hiöörghk horrgh"
  • gelecekten gelenler iddia edildiği üzere ingilizce-çince ve türkçe karışımı bir dil kullanmaktadır.
  • we've got to work for a better future
    we've got to join hands for tomorrow
    take the first step and you will see
    the future begins with you and me

    we can start to make a difference
    if we want it for our children
    recycle that can and plant that tree
    cause the future begins with you and me
  • cnbce'nin nasıl yayınlayacağı sorusunu bize sordurtan en sıra dışı southpark bölümlerinden biridir. kanal kapattırabilme potansiyelli bir bölümdür. lakin cnbce bu riske girememiş ve kesip biçmiştir. o seks dağını görmezsek ne anlamı kalır ki bu bölümün. üzücü...
  • takdirimce en başarılı southpark bölümüdür

    mr. garrison: so, with that in mind, let's continue our lessons on verbs. remember that there are transitive verbs such as [writes on the board] "the boy threw the red ball," which in futurespeak of course, is [makes a sentence of grunts and guttural sounds] everyone say it with me? [the kids repeat the sentence, which sounds like a series of barks, coming from them. timmy attempts it] aaand there are intransitive verbs, such as [writes on the board] "the 11:15 bus from denver arrived twelve hours late." or in futurespeak, "vvut."
    the kids: "vvut."
    kyle: dude, hold on! this is bullcrap! if they wanna live in our time, then they should learn our language!
    craig: yeah!
    stan: that's right! [other students speak up]
    douche: [steps in] hey now, these immigrants have a right to retain their culture. who are we to say our language is best? they deserve to have an education just as much as you do.
    mr. garrison: thank you, aging hippie liberal douche.
    douche: you betcha. [steps out]
    timmy: timmih.
    mr. garrison: okay, now let's get back to it, kids. what kind of verb is this? [writes on the board] "the sad girl puts balls in her mouth." or, in futurespeak of course, "gluch gligh balls glych gligh."
  • (bkz: wetback)
  • (bkz: suriyeliler)
  • (bkz: terk a durrr)
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