• imajicanin esas oglanlarindan, genelde gentle olarak cagirilir.
  • (bkz: fury)
  • aka bastard boy, gentle, maestro sartori, zach, john the divine (bu sene iyi lakap yapti). judith odell'in eski tokmakcisi. o diil de, clive barker 'tokmakci' tabirini duysa hastasi olurdu bence. john the tokmakci. gee.
  • imajica'dan anlasilan o ki, hikayesi nameless one'inkini andiriyor:

    "perhaps the greatest swayworker of all time, gentle is a man with many names and many lives. his past is shrouded in confusion by a magical working that forced him to forget the pain of his past for nearly two centuries. he is the healer of the imajica and reconciler of the dominions."

    ha, birinin suruyle ismi varken digeri isimsiz diye geciyor, o ayri tabii.
    (bkz: nameless one)
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