
  • bu kişilerde, reddedilmeye aşırı duyarlık ve sosyal yaşamda çekingenlik vardır. asosyal değildirler, ilişki kurmaya istek duyarlar ama çekinirler. kabullenilmeye ihtiyaçları vardır. aşağılık kompleksleri olan kişilerdir. toplumda % 1-10 oranında görülür. görüşme sırasında bunaltılı ve gergindirler.

    reddedilmeye karşı aşırı duyarlı, toplumda konuşmaktan çekinen kişilerdir. diğer insanların yorumlarına önem verirler. yakın arkadaşları pek yoktur. yetersizlik duyguları,eleştirilme korkusu olan aşırı duyarlı kişilerdir.

    tanı ölçütleri: eleştirilme, dışlanma, reddedilme korkusu nedeniyle toplumsal ilişki gerektirecek mesleklerden kaçınma; sevildiğinden emin olmadıkça ilişkiye geçmezler; yakın ilişkiler kuramazlar; toplumsal durumlarda eleştirileceği korkusu vardır; yeni kişilerle aynı ortamda olunca yeterli olduğu duygular yönünden inhibe olurlar; kendini başkalarından aşağı görürler; kişisel ilişkilerden ve etkinliklerden kaçınırlar; bu kişilerde eşlik eden sosyal fobi sık görülür. çevreden destek görürlerse işlevsel olurlar, destek yeterli değilse depresyon, anksiyete ortaya çıkabilir.

    ayırıcı tanı: şizoid, borderline, histrionik, bağımlı kişilik bozukluğu düşünülmelidir.

    bu hastalarda, güven kazandırmaya yönelik tedavi faydalıdır. özellikle korkusu üzerinde durulmalıdır. sosyal beceriler kazandırmak için alıştırmalar yapılabilir, ancak dikkatli olunmalıdır çünkü; başarısız olurlarsa yıkılırlar. grup terapisi ve davranışçı tedavi de faydalıdır.

    farmakoterapide, antidepresanlar, anksiyolitikler ve korkulan durum öncesinde beta blokerler (atenelol) kullanılabilir


    güncel link : https://web.archive.org/…/derskitap/htm/kisilik.htm
  • türkçeye kaçınmacı kişilik bozukluğu diye geçirmiş meslek erbabı.
  • yukarıdaki güzel özet dışında detayını merak edenler için
    şimdilik kaydıyla kaynağından ingilizcesi burada.
    inşallah özet tercümesi de çok yakında bu sinemada.

    avoidant personality disorder (apd) ís considered to be an active-detached personality pattern, meaning that avoidants purposefully avoid people due to fears of humiliation & rejection. it ís thought to be a pathological syndromal extension of the “normal inhibited” personality, which ís characterized by a watchful behavioral appearance, shy interpersonal conduct, a preoccupied cognitive style, uneasy affective expression & a lonely self-perception ( millon & everly ). according to this view, the avoidant pattern seems to range ín varying degrees along a symptomological continuum from mild to extreme. in mild cases, a person may be said to be normally shy, whereas extreme cases indicate personality disorder.
    apd vs. generalized social phobia
    the symptoms of apd overlap with those of generalized social phobia. widiger (1992) reviewed 3 studies (holt; herbert; turner et al. [1992]) which demonstrated that gsp & apd are based on the same underlying pathology & differ primarily ín the severity of social anxiety & social functioning, with apd being the more severe disorder. the evidence that most people diagnosed with apd will also meet the diagnostic criteria for gsp, but people with gsp do not necessarily have apd supports this view.
    dsm criteria
    the dsm-iv describes apd as:
    a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy & hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early hood & present ín a variety of contexts, as indicated by 4 (or more) of the following:

    avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fears of criticism, disapproval or rejection
    ís unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
    shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
    ís preoccupied with being criticized or rejected ín social situations
    ís inhibited ín new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
    views self as socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others
    ís unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage ín any new activities because they may prove embarrassing
    how does apd manifest itself?
    the usual onset for apd ís early hood, with an equal prevalence rate among women & men (apa). according to one study however, (greenberg & stravynski, 1985) most of the people being referred for professional help for social dysfunction, considered to be the same disorder as apd by marks (1987), were single men. one suggested hypothesis for this finding ís that society expects men to be the initiators ín romantic relationships. therefore, when they do not form relationships, ít ís seen as more of a problem than women who do not initiate relationships but are not expected to ín any case (marks). millon & everly have suggested 6 dimensions onto which the symptoms of apd can be mapped.

    behavioral appearance
    avoidants do exhibit the stereotypical traits of shyness, timidity & withdrawing behavior. to those who know them well, the avoidants’ mistrust of others may also be apparent as an almost constant wariness. however, kantor (1993) argues that behavioral hostility ís also typical of those suffering with apd. avoidants may use their shyness as a way to hurt others by preventing them from becoming close. alternatively, they will demonstrate their hostility ín a more overt manner by insulting people who attempt to be friendly, for example. this reaction may be because they are identifying their aggressor & “deal with feared rejection by becoming rejecting themselves.” these expressions of hostility could be seen as defensive fight responses. to protect themselves from being rejected, they reject others first. this ís maladaptive because the avoidants will tend to reject many people who would never have rejected them ín the first place.
    in terms of appearance, íf ít ís affected at all by apd, ít will tend to be affected ín one of 3 ways. 1st, avoidants may put considerable time & effort into making themselves attractive to others. the idea behind this ís, at least they will be liked for their looks, íf not for themselves. 2nd, they may consciously, or unconsciously, ensure that their appearance drives others away. this provides them with some control over their lives. rather than waiting helplessly to be rejected, they ensure rejection from the start by their own actions. 3rd, ín the case of avoidants who are suffering from ptsd, for example, they may dress ín the style of the era when the trauma occurred. this form of dress ís an indication that they are living ín the past.

    speech ís may also be affected ín apd. avoidants may be quite silent. as jerome kagan explains, “for a rabbit, freezing on a lawn ís a sign of fear. i believe that speechlessness ís a similar diagnostic sign for us… there’s a circuit ín the brain that controls our vocal cords & becoming quiet can be one sign of fear.” (galvin, 1992). when they do speak, avoidants may use frequent pauses & speak slowly (millon & everly). this ís contrary to what we read regarding social phobia, where pauses ín speech tended to be avoided because they were thought to be a sign of lack of knowledge. avoidants may also be overtalkative, possibly due to an adrenic discharge or a false belief, such as continuously talking will prevent . for avoidants who try to put people off with their behavior, insults or social faux pas are commonly used as a way to assure rejection (kantor). while this does essentially realize their worst fear, ít does again give avoidants some control over how others react to them.

    interpersonal conduct
    avoidants often test others to determine whether or not they are being sincere ín their friendliness. because they may frequently see rejection where ít does not exist, people will tend to fail these tests & then later be avoided because they may reject or humiliate those with apd (millon & everly). they will, therefore, frequently have difficulty beginning & maintaining relationships (kantor), partly because they have difficulty trusting others & thus, are very reluctant to share their feelings or allow themselves to be vulnerable. as a protective measure against the humiliation & rejection, they may become avoidant of others.
    on the other hand, avoidants may form relationships, even making an effort to meet new people. however, these people are kept at a distance. therefore, this group of avoidants ís avoiding intimacy, rather than avoiding people altogether.

    cognitive style
    avoidants excessively monitor the situation to the extent that they are trying to process so much information, they are no longer paying sufficient attention to the interaction itself (millon & everly). the literature on social phobia suggests that the phobics are unable to follow the interaction because they are so focussed on their internal reactions. however, the research on avoidant personality disorder also emphasizes that the avoidants are engaged ín external monitoring of the other person’s reactions as well. this additional processing of information could contribute to the increased severity of apd over social phobia. the excessive monitoring by avoidants, combined with a hypersensitivity to rejection makes their perception of rejection almost inevitable.
    their dysfunctional thought processes may also include fear of being vulnerable, because ít makes ít easier to get hurt or humiliated. they may also be perfectionists & reject anyone who does not up to their impossible standards. this may again be a case of rejecting someone before they are rejected themselves. another possibility ís that they are degrading the other person so that íf they are rejected they will find ít less painful because they didn’t like the person anyway. some people believe that relationships are just too much work & aren’t worth the effort. rationalization may also be present ín this belief with the idea that ít ís not because they are unable to form relationships that they don’t have any, ít ís that they do not want to waste their time on relationships. some avoidants even believe that they must avoid intimacy because “ to others reduces the energy they have available for themselves & that they need for their vital life processes,” (kantor).

    affective expression
    people with apd may exhibit little affect due to the fear that showing their emotions will make them vulnerable to rejection or humiliation (kantor; millon & everly). to observers, avoidants may appear tense & anxious (millon & everly).

    avoidants tend to have low self-esteem & believe that they are unworthy of being ín successful relationships. they are also very self-conscious, frequently lonely & see their accomplishments as being of little or no worth (millon & everly).

    primary defense mechanism
    to cope with their unhappiness, people with apd often escape into fantasy which ís “a ‘safe’ medium ín which to discharge affection, aggression or other impulses that would otherwise be inappropriate, uncomfortable or impossible to achieve ín reality,” (millon & everly). avoidants will tend to read, watch tv or daydream to escape from reality.
    etiology & development
    from an evolutionary point of view, the “fight-or-flight” dichotomy suggests that both hostility & avoidance are naturally occurring responses to fear. both are thought to be based on anxiety evoked by the presence of a feared stimulus object or situation. however, avoidance can co-vary with fear, vary inversely or vary independently (rachman & hodgson, 1974). therefore, avoidance behavior seems to be more complex than ís accountable for by the simple presence of fear or anxiety. what appear to be purposeful hostile reactions to others, for example, may be indicative of highly complex psychological processes.
    it ís commonly believed that biological factors, including heredity & prenatal maternal factors, set the foundation for personality & personality disorders, while environmental factors shape the form of their expression (millon & everly). in the case of avoidant personality disorder, the evidence of major biogenic influences ín íts etiology & development ís speculative & weak (millon & everly). however, there ís some evidence that a timid temperament ín infancy may predispose individuals to developing apd later ín life (kaplan & sadock, 1991). while shyness appears to indicate underactivity, kagan believes that this inherited tendency to be shy ís actually the result of overstimulation or an excess of incoming information. timid individuals cannot cope with the excess of information & so withdraw from the situation as a self-protective measure. the inability to cope with this information overload may be due to a low autonomic arousal threshold (venebles, 1968). the same mechanism may also be responsible for the avoidant’s hypervigilence. however, ít ís generally believed that these biological substrates exist within the avoidant personality as a biological foundation for the emergence of the disorder itself & that full development of apd ís likely due to significant environmental influences (millon & everly).

    environmental factors
    parental rejection
    an important environmental factor ín the development of avoidant personality disorder ís parental rejection (kantor; millon & everly). although normal, healthy infants may encounter varying degrees of parental rejection, the amount of rejection seems to be particularly intense &/or frequent for people who subsequently develop apd. frequent or intense rejections crush children’s natural energy & optimism, leaving instead attitudes of self-deprecation & feelings of social isolation. rejection by parents appears to be particularly devastating because ít may be interpreted as a direct contradiction to the commonly held edict of unconditional love & acceptance of offspring by their parents. the rejected child asks, “if my parents won’t accept me, who will?”, yet some children learn that their parents do not accept them, thus the question ís always present & every person the avoidant interacts with will be put to the test.
    although avoidance ín children does not appear to be necessarily linked to apd ín hood, ít appears that particular kinds of rejection by parents can alter the attitude & behavior of children ín a way that disposes them to develop the disorder more easily later ín life. for example, kantor suggests that íf a child’s expression of positive emotion ís met with remoteness, criticism or punishment, he might learn to spare himself anguish by keeping positive feelings to himself. perhaps such a child might abandon positive feelings altogether. there ís little doubt that this would jeopardize later relationships.

    likewise, íf a child’s negative feelings are rejected, for example, íf she ís repeatedly told “it’s bad to feel angry”, she might forego otherwise workable relationships ín order to avoid not only the intermittent feelings of dissatisfaction or anger that are an inevitable part of practically all close relationships, but also her ambivalence toward negative feelings ín general.

    furthermore, parental rejection may indicate some underlying parental fear, which the child unconsciously imitates. in such a case, the child may learn not only to fear rejection from others, but also to believe that the world ís a fearful place.

    peer rejection
    a 2nd environmental factor implicated ín the emergence of apd ís rejection by peer groups. if a child leaves a hostile or rejecting situation & encounters positive reinforcing experiences outside of the home, early rejection by parents need not result ín self-deprecating attitudes. however, íf parental or familial (including siblings) rejection ís compounded by rejection from a peer group, the prognosis points heavily toward a personality disorder.
    repeated social interactions expose an individual to potential rejection over a sustained period of time. such rejection, íf ít occurs, can wear down the individual’s sense of self-competence & self-esteem. following humiliation & rejection by peers, individuals then begin to criticize themselves. feelings of loneliness & isolation are made worse because of harsh self-judgments & increasing feelings of personal inferiority & self-worthlessness contribute to withdrawing behavior. rejection by their peers seems to validate the rejection by their parents. when children cannot turn to their parents, their peers, or even themselves for gratification or validation, they retreat. avoidant personality may be the result.

    other factors
    in addition to rejection by parents & peers, ít ís speculated that several other factors can play more & less significant roles ín the development & persistence of apd. for example, children who are infantalized by their parents may have difficulty relating to people outside of the family. as s they may be regressive & dependent ín relationships. avoidance may also be recommended by parents, peers, teachers, entertainers, religious leaders & the media as protection against the evils of the world. unresolved rivalry with siblings has been suspected of inducing transferential jealous competition among individuals, leading to avoidant behavior. also, ual feelings, for example freud’s (1950) “incest taboo”, may unconsciously lead to avoidance of close relationships with parents & later with potential partners. it has been noted that sometimes avoidants isolate themselves ín order to manage strong ambivalent or negative feelings toward (kantor). in psychopathic proportions, avoidance may lead to a purposive distancing ín order to enhance ual (shapiro, 1981). in some cases, a more poignant expression of ual disgust may be expressed as love revulsion, a condition ín which the avoidant has learned to “love” isolation, not because ít ís a real preference but because ít ís a defense against a desire to be with others (kantor). finally, transference can lead to avoidant behavior when an individual distances herself from people who remind her of something or someone she disliked or feared ín the past — often parents, but also others outside of the family.
    the self-perpetuating cycle of apd
    avoidants have limited contact with others when they use avoidance to protect themselves from being rejected. people notice the withdrawing behavior of the avoidant individual which leads either to a reciprocal avoidance by the observer or ridicule of the avoidant by those observing his hermit-like behavior. as millon & everly point out, often people who appear weak or timid attract the attention of those who enjoy belittling others. a cycle of withdrawal, ridicule or rejection, further withdrawal & so on, perpetuates the avoidant personality disorder.
    the avoidant ís painfully alert to the minutest signals of rejection from others. unfortunately, being hypersensitive to rejection often lowers avoidants’ ability to correctly perceive what ís & what ís not rejection. they may imagine rejection where none exists or view a minor & partial rejection as one that ís major & complete. they feel that every rejection follows from a thoughtful evaluation of their real worth when they know that people who reject others sometimes do so because they have problems of their own (act reflexively & transferentially rather than thoughtfully & realistically) (kantor). the strategy they have adopted to protect themselves backfires & the fears associated with the negative view of themselves seems to be confirmed. as the pattern repeats itself & the problem magnifies, the avoidant finds him or herself ín a world of self-fulfilling prophecy.

    furthermore, as avoidants withdraw more & more from social situations, they are left with an increasing amount of time to reflect upon their sorrowful state. like an unrequited love affair, avoidants’ desire for interpersonal relationships peaks & most often the conclusion they reach ís that they are not only incapable of improving their attractiveness or likeability to others, but that they do not even deserve acceptance. this fosters more avoidance & alienation (millon & everly).

    finally, we cannot overlook the importance of operant conditioning ín the perpetuation of avoidant personality disorder. the avoidant desires social affiliation yet ís fearful of rejection & humiliation. the pattern of avoidant, seclusive, aloof & hypersensitive behavior that characterizes the disorder ís negatively reinforcing to the individual. that ís, through avoidant behaviors, these individuals can reduce the probability that they will be rejected or humiliated. thus the behavior ís reinforced & the disorder ís made more severe (millon & everly).

    avoidance reduction ís typically an action-oriented approach to handling the causes, complications & consequences of apd. it borrows from the active techniques found ín other psychotherapies. for example, “total push”, from behavior therapy, forces avoidants to face social interactions for longer periods of time; supportive therapy gives encouragement (“you can do it”), positive feedback (“you are good enough to succeed”) & reassurance (“you can handle the anxiety”); family therapy tries to convince the smothering family to stop infantilizing the individual; & pharmacological therapy advises administering anti-depressant medication to help allleviate the avoidant’s anxiety. generally, avoidants are encouraged to “do” rather than contemplate, to engage themselves ín fearful situations as a means of overcoming their fear.
    in summary, those with apd are extremely sensitive toward & fearful of, rejection by others. their reaction to this fear may be a flight response, ín the case of avoidance, but may also be a fight response, ín the case of hostility. while genetics may predispose individuals to developing this disorder, ít ís thought that the environment or more specifically, early failed relationships are the pivotal cause of the development of apd. through their own dysfunctional thoughts & behaviors, avoidants inadvertently perpetuate their suffering. active behavioral therapies are recommended & sometimes medication ís administered.

    copy'dir paste'dir ahan şuradan
    kaynak: www.open-mind.org sitesi
    yazarlar:lorri baier-barth, amanda crawford
  • kendine yetersizlik duygulari,sosyal baskilanma ve elestirilmeye karsi asiri duyarlilikla belirli bir bozukluktur.
    asiri utangac ve cekingen,begenilmeme dusuncesiyle insanlarin arasina karismaktan cekinen insanlardir.
    bu davranis genellikle genc eriskin doneminde baslar ve degisik kosullar altinda ortaya cikar.

    insanlar icinde huzursuz ve sikilgan olduklarindan yakin iliski gerektiren sosyal ve mesleki etkinliklerden kacinirlar ancak ailesi ve yakin cevresi icinde rahattirlar ve istendigine emin olmadigi surece insan icine girmemeye ozen gosterirler.bu huzursuzlugun nedenlerinden biri toplum icinde uygunsuz bir sey soyleme korkusudur ve genellikle konusmaz hatta toplulukta kendilerini unutturabilirler.bunun sonucu olarak ta kendine guveni azdir ve kendisini cirkin,cekiciligi olmayan ya da beceriksiz biri olarak gorur ve insanlarin da oyle dusundugu kanisindadir.
    elestiriye cok duyarlidir,kucuk bir sozden cok kolay incinebilirler.rutin isleri disindakilere ellerini surmez,yanlis birsey yapma korkusuyla yeni aktivitelerden cekinirler.

    bagimli kisilik bozuklugu ve sizoid kisilik bozuklugu ile birarada goruldugunde depresyon,sosyal fobi gelistirmeye daha yatkindirlar.
    ancak diger kisilik bozukluklarinin aksine hasta durumundan sikayetci ve degismek icin caba sarfeder ve bu yuzden de psikoterapiden cok yarar gorur.

    -sizoid kisilik bozuklugundan farkli olarak sosyal izolasyon vardir ancak hasta insan icine girmek ister fakat sikilganlik ve istenmeme korkusu yuzunden bunu gerceklestiremez.ayrica sizoid bozuklukta hasta elestirilere karsi kayitsizdir.

    sosyal fobi ozellikle yaygin oldugunda cekingen kisilik bozuklugundan ayirt edilemeyebilir.sosyal fobi daha sinirli durumlarda ve baskalarinin gozu hastanin uzerindeyken ortaya cikar.cekingen kisilik daha genel olup baska insanlarla yakin iliskiye girmekten korkar.
  • nam-ı diğer; çekingen kişilik bozukluğu. çekingen kişilik bozukluğu olan insanlar -sosyal ortamlarda rahatsızlık hissetme durumu ve aşırı çekingenlikle beraber- genelde sosyal ortamlara girmeyi, diğer insanlarla iletişim kurmayı hiç düşünmezler. mecbur kalmadıkça insanlarla iletişim kurmaktan kaçınırlar. dsm ıv'te tanımı şu şekildedir; http://www.psikoloji.gen.tr/…_dosyalar/cekingen.htm

    lafı fazla uzatmadan bu kişilik bozukluğu ile ilgili bir kaç küçük ama önemli detay vermek gerekirse;

    sosyal fobi yada şizotipal kişilik bozukluğu ile karıştırılabilir. sosyal fobi bir kişilik bozukluğu değildir. ilaçla yada terapiyle sağaltımı mümkündür. belli durumlarda, belli zamanlarda ortaya çıkar. mesela; bir öğrenci sınıfta eğitim alır ancak tahtada soru çözemez. bu sosyal fobidir. çekingen kişilik bozukluğunda ise genelde bir iletişim bozukluğu ve kaçınma söz konusudur. belli durumlarla dönemlerle alakası bulunmaz.

    şizotipal ise şizofrenin tabir-i caizse bir durak öncesidir. şizotipalden çekingen kişilik bozukluğunu şizotipalde görülen paranoid düşünceler ve olağanüstü güçlere sahip olma hissi ve bazı yanılsamalar, düşünce ve iletişimdeki dengesizlikler gibi sebeplerle ayrıştırılabilir.

    şizoidden farkı ise; şizoiddeki yalnızlık halinin bir tercih durumu olması ve var olan aşırı tepkisizliktir. çekingen kişilik bozukluğu ile bu noktada ayrıştırılabilir.
  • temel çatışmaları: bu kişiler, diğerlerine yakın olmak ve kendi entellektüel ve mesleki
    potansiyellerine ulaşmak istedikleri halde, incinecekleri ve acı çekecekleri korkusuyla ya da
    itilecekleri ve başarısız olacakları korkusuyla, hem insanlardan hem de başarıdan uzak dururlar.
    diğerlerine bakışları: çevrelerindeki diğer insanları potansiyel olarak eleştirici, ilgisiz ve emir
    verici olarak görürler.
    temel şemaları: "değersizim, hiç bir işe yaramam." "hoş olmayan duygulara dayanamam."
    "sevilmeyecek biriyim." "tüm eleştiriler aynıdır. en ufak bir eleştiri ile en yoğun eleştiri arasında
    fark yoktur." "kendimi bir başka insanla kurulacak bir ilişkiye adamadan önce beni kabul edeceğine
    dair koşulsuz bir garanti alabilmeliyim."
    fonksiyonel olmayan inançları: "eğer insanlar bana yakınlaşırlarsa, gerçek beni fark ederler ve
    reddedilirim. bu da dayanılmaz bir şey olur." "eğer yeni bir işe başlar ve başarılı olmazsam bu
    benim için korkunç bir şey olur."
    stratejileri: "en iyisi riskli insan ilişkilerinden uzak durmaktır. hoş olmayan sonuçları ne pahasına
    olursa olsun kendimden uzak tutmalıyım. eğer hoş olmayan bir şey düşünecek ya da hissedecek
    olursam, aklımı bir başka yere vermeliyim (içki, ilaç, obsesyon vb.)."
    temel korkuları: "ne olduğum anlaşılırsa beni aşağılayacaklardır, iteceklerdir."
    tipik davranışları: değerlendirileceği ortamlardan uzak durmak, kaçınmak. sosyal ortamlara
    girmek zorunda kaldıklarında, dikkatleri olabildiğince kendi üstlerinden uzaklaştırmak. başarısızlık
    ve değerlendirilme korkusuyla iş ortamlarında yeni sorumluluklar almamak, ilerlemek için
    duyguları: yakın ilişkilerden alacakları doyumdan ve başarının getireceği mutluluktan uzak
    kaldıkları için, temel duyguları anksiyete ve keder karışımıdır (disfori). iş ortamlarında ise
    değerlendirilme tehlikesine bağlı olarak anksiyete yaşarlar. anksiyete ve keder yaşamaya karşı
    toleransları çok düşük olduğu için, kendilerini daha etkili biçimde ifade etmekten, utangaçlıklarını
    yenmekten kaçınırlar. sürekli kendilerine dönük oldukları ve duygularını gözledikleri için, keder ve
    anksiyete duygularına çok duyarlıdırlar. acı verici duygularına karşı aşırı duyarlı olmalarına karşın,
    bu duyguları belirtmekten kaçınırlar. "bilişsel kaçınma" stratejilerine uygun olarak, bağımlı
    kişiliğin tersine, beklentilerini azaltarak ve diğerleriyle yakın ilişkiye girmeyerek başarısızlıktan
    kurtulmaya çalışırlar.

    refereans: http://www.zen.com.tr/makale/kacingan.pdf
  • (bkz: insecure avoidant)
    (bkz: insecure resistant)

    gelisim psikolojisinde kucuk yasta edinilmesi gereken attachment ozelligini edinmeyen kisilerde ortaya cikar. ayrica;

    (bkz: ainsworth's strange situation)
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