• dilbilime dair mail gruplarında yada sitelerde sürekli yazılarını gördüğüm, batı dillerinin türkçeden bilinçli bir şekilde çalıntı olduğunu savunan bir kişi. kendisine göre yüzlerce yıl önce avrupa'daki rahipler oturmuşlar bir masaya, türkçe kelimeleri almışlar, bu kelimelerden çeşitli anagramlar yaparak kendi dillerindeki kelimeleri oluşturmuşlar. sayın kaya bu anagramları tek tek tespit edip ahanda bu kelime de türkçe kökenliymiş diye sunuyor türkoloji dünyasına. hem de anakronik örneklerle. birkaç örnek verelim;

    accidental: "acci-den-tal" seklinde incelendiginde türkçenin "aksi eden oltu/oldu", "aksilik oldu", "kaza oldu" anlamlarinda olan "aksi-eden-altu" degiminden yapilmis oldugu belli oluyor. taninmamasi için gereken kirilma ve degistirmeler yapilmis kaynak gizlenmistir.

    derm: ingilizcede "skin" anlaminda olup türkçe "derim" deyiminden alinmis, "i" ünlüsü düsürülerek "derm| seklinde gizlenmistir.

    swim: türkçede"yüzme" karsiligi olan bu sözcük "suim" seklinde incelendiginde türkçenin "üzme" (yüzme) deyiminden kirilmis oldugu görülüyor.

    polat kaya'nın yurtdışında yaşadığını ve akademik bir geçmişi olduğunu kullandığı dilden tahmin ediyorum. ve fakat böyle anlamsız ve hatta komik bir hipotez için verdiği emek hayret verici. güneş dil teorisini de aşan, komplo teorileriyle kolkola giden bu mevzu bence incelenmeye değer bir fenomen. google'da aratırsanız konuyla ilgili zilyon tane sayfaya rastlarsınız. netice itibariyle, garip..
  • ilk ba$ta $aka yapiyor zannettigim, sonra kendisiyle de haberle$erek ciddi oldugunu anladigim, kendisine akil fikir diledigim ki$i. bu gibi tabansiz teorilerle vakit oldurmesi uzucu.
  • "asyalı türk halkı ile amerika kıtalarının yerli halkları arasında olumlu dil ve kültürel bir akrabalık hakkında araştırma"sı bulunan yazardır.

    ankara: ttk basimevi, 1987

    s. [647]-678; 22 cm.

    belleten, c. l, s. 198 (1986)' den ayri basim.

    iü merkez kütüphanede mevcuttur.
    494.35(09):9(=496:=73) 343540
  • apayrı bir dünyanın insanı. hep kullanmak istemiştim. ne ictiysen ben de istiyorum başlığını. şimdi nasip oldu. kök tengri razı olsun. (bkz: ne ictiysen ben de istiyorum)

    ""aegean" seklinde ege denizinin adi olarak israrla kullanilan bu ad tur/türk insaninin ay-gün (ay-hanlar ve gün-hanlar) adlarinin birlestirilmesinden kaynaklanan bir addir. ege denizi adalarinda ve hem de bu denize kiyi olan avrupa ve anadolu taraflarinda yasayan ve kendilerine ay-han ve gün-han diyen tur insaninin adlari birlestirilerek "aegeans" seklinde türkçeden ve türklükten uzaklastirilmis bir ad yaratilmistir. bilindigi gibi ay-han ve gün-han adlari oguz-kagan destaninda oguz kaganin iki oglunun adi olarak geçer, yani eski çaglarin ege ve akdeniz kiyilarinda yasayan ve bu adlari tasiyan insanlar türkçe konusan tur/türk insanlari idi. ay-han/ay-an bir baska adiyla ion < > i (ay)-on/an diye bilinen ve kendilerinden ötürü yasadiklari ülkelerine türkçede "yunanistan" (< ay-hanistan/i-onistan) dedigimiz tur/türk insani idiler. bu insanlar kendilerini grek diye bilmezler fakat pelasgian (saka) diye bilirlerdi. atina (athens) bir grek sehri olmakdan çok adiyla, saniyla bir ion/i-on/ay-han turlari tarafindan kurulmus bir tur/türk kentidir. diger taraftan gün-hanlar ise tarihe kanan (kanaan) ve fenikeli adlariyla geçen denizci tur/türk insani idiler. türk insaninin adini degistirerek tur/türk dünyasini bölmek ve bir taraftan bölünenlerin kalibina girmek ve böylece onlari kendilerinden sayarak medeniyetlerine sahip çikmak ve neticede türk dünyasini ölü bir dünya haline getirmek bazilari için eski zamanlardan beri vaz geçilmeyen adetlerden biridir. . "
  • şivaism ve şaktiism kelimelerinin kökenine dair fantastik teorilere sahip bir insan. bizim bildiğim am ile hintlilerin meşhur om'u aynı şeymiş efendim. şaktiizm - am sikişti, şivaism - sevişme/am seviş, senkretistik - sikiştirensi/sikiş ettirensi , kamasutra - ama sokma(k)tur demekmiş.

    sözlükte am, sik gibi kelimelere aşırı duyarlı bayan yazarlara selam ederim. bu kadar kutsal kelimeleri bu kadar sığ anlamlarıyla almayınız lütfen.

    işte o efsane metin:

    dear ram varmha and dear friends,

    greetings. i will identify a number of sanskrit and english words which are very related to the om concept in hinduism. again i ask the forgiveness of my lady readers for my being very candid in my explanations of om and om related words. please be understanding since this candidness is important in order to show that unimaginable linguistic alterations and tranferrance has been done from turkish into other languages. my explanations will further show that turkish was the only initial fully developed language and that other languages were manufactured from it. readers will understand from this that turkish was a very old mother/father language for others.

    the following information shown in red is from an online paper entitled "tantra, karezza, and other forms of sacred sex defined" at url: http://www.luckymojo.com/tktantradefinition.html which states:
    "tantra (a sanskrit word which means "woven together") is a term loosely applied to several divergent and even contradictory schools of hindu yoga in which the sexual union of male and female is worshipped either in principle or in human practice. it has also come to be applied to sex-based religious practices developed in other religions, including bon, tibetan buddhism, taoism, christianty, judaism, and transcendentalism.

    pre-hindu tantra: shaktiism and shaivism
    although tantra yoga texts themselves are only dated to the medieval period in india, it is thought by some that the earliest strand of tantra yoga, derived from the dravidian, pre-hindu religion of shaktiism (worship of the goddess in her numerous forms), focuses on yoni puja, a ceremony honouring the vulva -- either of a statue or a living woman. depending upon the school of study, this puja may involve making offerings of food and liquids while chanting prayers or it may involve the deliberate sexual arousal of a woman who is believed to embody or personify the deity. a related thread of tantra yoga that derives from shaivism (the worship of the god siva, which predates the syncretistic religion now known as hinduism) has at its center linga puja, a ceremony honouring the penis, often in the form of a natural upright stone. similar objects of worship have been found among the archaeological remains of many neolithic people around the world, leading some theorists to speculate that "sex worship" in some form or another is humanity's oldest relgion."

    for the rest of the paper, the reader should visit this reference paper at url http://www.luckymojo.com/tktantradefinition.html . these are self explanatory statements to which i do not need to add anything. however i want to show that double or multiple meaning words were constructed by the operatores of these "-isms" who did not tell the whole truth behind these names. there are turkish words hidden in these sanskrit words having meanings that explain the sexual connotations attributed to them. these sanskrit words, restructured from turkish words and expressions, in one sense meant "godly" concepts, but in the other, they embodied turkish words that expressed sexual sensibilities.

    the hinduism trinity is made up with the gods brahma, shiva and vishnu. according to the indian mythology, brahma the creator has sarasvati as his wife, the goddess of creative arts. vishnu the preserver lives on mount meru with his wife lakshmi. vishnu, who rides through the heavens on garuda, is a personification of a number of concepts. shiva the destroyer, the third member of the trinity, lives on mount kailas. he rides a bull while holding his wife parvati. ["the world's great religions" by life-time incorporated, [new york, 1957, p. 21].

    vishnu and siva or shiva

    i explained the name brahma in my previous paper as being a restructured word from turkish. this also applies to the names vishnu and siva or shiva.

    when the sanskrit name vishnu is rearranged letter-by-letter as "ishun-v", (where v is a multi-identity letter that can represent either u or y or w or o), i find the turkish expression "ishin o" meaning "it is light". additionally, if the name vishnu is rearranged letter-by-letter as "hunis-v", i find the turkish expression "hunes u" (günes o) meaning "it is sun and light". in turkish history we have a number of great turkish empires with the name hun (gün) used in the title names. so hun is also a turkish name and word derived from the turkish word gün meaning "sun". thus, vishnu is a personification of sun and sunlight. the sun was the most prominent sky deity of the ancient turanian oguz / tur religion. the sun and its heat / light are indeed the preserver of life without which no life would be possible.

    actually, even the english word sun is derived from turkish kün (meaning sun) where the k in kün is first represented with an english c making the word cun - which can be vocalized as either kün or sün - because english c is a multi-identity letter that can be pronounced as a k or as an s. the english anagrammatizers chose the s sound over the k sound and changed the letter c into an s to make it sun.

    shiva (siva) and shivaism or sivaism

    the name of the wife of the god shiava (siva) was parvati. this is a word that has been manufactured from turkish "arvat" meaning "wife and woman". so correspondence is exact.

    the name shiva, rearranged in the form of "ish-av", is the altered and disguised form of the turkish expression "ishi ev" meaning "light house" (light home) and similarly siva, rearranged in the form of "si-av", is the altered and disguised form of the turkish expression "isi ev" meaning "heat house" (heat home) which are the expressions defining the sun. in ancient sun worshiping turanian religion, sun was the source of light and heat that lighted and heated the earth. sun is the life giver and also too much of it can destroy as well. in this context, shiva (siva) is a divine concept. but, in addition to this aspect of the name shiva (siva), it has other meanings embedded in it.

    shiva (siva), as the destroyer, would be from the turkish word "sava(s)h" meaning "war" which is destruction or destroying, and the turkish word sevi(s)h" or "savi" (sevi) meaning "loving" and "being peaceful". in the english definition of siva (shiva), we have the following description: [from sanskrit siva, friendly, auspicious.] one of the supreme deities of hinduism, when regarded as one member of the hindu triad (trimurti), representing the principle of destruction, and also the reproductive or restoring power. sivaism, shivaism", [webster's collegiate dictionary, 1947, p. 930].

    this definition is interesting because it is telling us that shiva represents conflicting ideas such as "friendly", "auspicious" , "reproductive or restorng power" versus "destruction" . this leads me to think of the questions: what could possibly be in this name shiva or shivaism that could lead to these conflicting concepts? let us examine the word shivaism to find out.

    when the word shivaism is rearranged as "savishim", i find some relevant turkish words in it. they are:

    a) "savashim" meaning "i am war" and alternatively "savashma" meaning "making war". these are relevant because in this context, shiva is "destruction" .

    b) "sevishim"(sevi?im) meaning "i am love". this is also relevant because shiva (siva) is regarded as "friendly", "auspicious" , and "reproductive or restorng power". human reproduction is the result of "love" or "lovemaking" - which is what turkish sevi?im is all about. this is also evident in the sanskrit word siva meaning "friendly" because it has the turkish word savi (sevi) meaning "loving, friendly" embedded in it. thus in this context, shiva (siva) is a personification of "love, friendship and peace".

    thus, it is clear that the hindu god shiva (siva) is a personification of the "war and peace" concept, that is, opposing concepts. war and peace or love conditions always existed between nations, tribes and between man and woman.

    furthermore, the word shivaism has other "love" related turkish expressions embedded in it. this we see as follows:

    c) when the word shivaism or shaivism is rearranged letter-by-letter as "sivishma", i find the turkish word "sevishme" (sevi?me) meaning "love making".

    d) when the word shivaism is rearranged as "am-sivish", we find the turkish expression "am-sevish" meaning "loving genitalia" or "love making" which connects the hindu word om to turkish word am again - which makes my identification of om as am absolutely correct.

    clearly there are sex and love expressing turkish phrases hidden in these sanskrit and/or english words. thus, it must be the "love" aspect of siva (shiva) and shivaism, as i defined above, that was used by the cult operating priests to come up with such sex-based religious concepts in india. evidently the tantra cult practices, such as shaivism and shaktiism, are due to these hidden meanings in turkish that make them the syncretistic religion now known as hinduism in india. these secret "meanings" involved in the words siva (shiva) and shivaism must have been known only to the "cult" operators who worked out their secret cabalistic activities designed to exploit people, particularly women, for self-serving purposes. those cult operators who came up with these exploiting "religious" notions knew all of these turkish words which they then combined and molded into one so-called sanskrit word. yes these words sevishme (meaning lovemaking) and savashma (meaning warmaking) exist in turkish, but they are not used as a basis for "sex and love" based religions. "sex-based religious" concepts are alien notions to the ancient and modern turkish societies, although natural sex is a normal requirement of maintaining human life on earth in all societies.

    here, i showed the "love making" aspect of shivaism or shaivism which verifies what the above reference sources state, that is: "although tantra yoga texts themselves are only dated to the medieval period in india, it is thought by some that the earliest strand of tantra yoga, derived from the dravidian, pre-hindu religion of shaktiism (worship of the goddess in her numerous forms), focuses on yoni puja, a ceremony honouring the vulva -- either of a statue or a living woman."

    this explanation tries to falsely put the origin of this sex-based religious concept onto the dravidians when it was most likely the concoction of much more modern and medieval "man". the cult operators are trying to put their own deviousness on the backs of the ancient peoples as if they were so pure and godly that they would not do such a thing. furthermore, when the reference (at the top of this email) states:

    "a related thread of tantra yoga that derives from shaivism (the worship of the god siva, which predates the syncretistic religion now known as hinduism) has at its center linga puja, a ceremony honouring the penis, often in the form of a natural upright stone. similar objects of worship have been found among the archaeological remains of many neolithic people around the world, leading some theorists to speculate that "sex worship" in some form or another is humanity's oldest relgion."

    again this is a devious explanation of modern man trying to put his own perversion onto the back of the ancient people. yes there were many upright stones used in the ancient cultures of asia, europe, the middle east and north africa - but they were not representing the penis nor were they used in sex-based religions. for example, the upright stone obelisks of ancient masar (misir) were representing the sun god. similarly, the upright stones of stonehenge which were arranged in a circle were not representing the phallus nor were they used in sex-based religions. stonehenge and similar structures represented the ancient turanian religious "eye" concept, that is, turkish o-göz (oguz) concept in which sun and moon were regarded as the eyes of the sky-god. the same goes for the many upright stones with slanted tops found all over europe and asia. these are all remnants of the ancient turanian sun worshipping single (bir, i.e., 1) sky god concept. even the modern notation for numeral 1 has a slanted top.

    shakti and shaktiism

    in the same way, when we examine the sanskrit word shakti, first in the rearranged form "ishakt", we find the turkish word "ishikti" (i?ikti) meaning "it is light", "it is enlightening" which is again a godly entity relating to the sun and its light - and also to learning. learning is the enlightening of the human mind.

    however, when the word shakti is rearranged as "ashkti", we have the turkish word "ashkti" (a?kti) meaning "it is love", "it is being in love, "it is love making". so the word shakti is also a concocted word from turkish such that it represents "love and love making" concepts but in a secretive way.

    similarly when the word shaktiism is rearranged as "sikishmat", i find the turkish word "sikishmedi" meaning "it is love making", "it is intercourse" . so again not only the concept of shaktiism is based on "love making", but also it is a linguistic stealing that has taken place from turkish language in making up the word shaktiism. additionally, when the word shaktiism is rearranged as "am-sikisht" , one finds the turkish word "am sikishti" meaning "penetrating om (am)" which again makes the om concept and the am concept one and the same. this further verifies that turkish words and phrases have been stolen for making words for indo-european and semitic languages. not only that, but also the insincerity built into the newly manufactured words have been used to exploit people. this alteration of turkish language words and expressions has been a very widely used linguistic trick.

    furthermore, if the word shakti is rearranged as "sikhta", we find the turkish word "sikti" that means "love making" and "phallus" which then brings this sanskrit word shakti into the so-called "phallicism" or "love-making" concepts used under the guise of religion. most likely such riddled religious concepts were designed to secretly exploit women and again probably only the "cult" operators knew about their secret ambitions but their clients did not.

    finally, when the word shaktiism is rearranged as "ashkti-ism" , again i find another turkish expression "ashkti ismi" (a?kti ismi) meaning "its name is love", "its name is lovemaking".

    similar to the sanskrit and/or english terms shaivism, shaktiism, there is also another similar sanskrit term kamasutram which is again another "love making" concept that has been manufactured from a turkish expression. when the word kamasutram is rearranged letter-by-letter as "ama-sukmatr" , one finds that it is the restructured, sanskritized and hidden turkish expression "ama sokmatur" or "am sikmatur" meaning "penetration" . this explains fully the concept behind the kamasutram. it is clear that those who are behind this kind of "cultural" activities have utilized the turkish language fully for their sinister purposes.

    all of this also indicates that the original language in india most likely was a turkish dialect. the country name "hindustan" clearly points to the presence of turkish in ancient india. and most likely it was the aryan wanderer groups who obliterated that turkish after their arrival in india and came up with the so-called sanskrit language. aryans also started this sex-based religion after their arrival in the indian subcontinent. the aryan brahmin priests with the knowledge of "secretive" concepts were able to put themselves at the top position of the indian caste system that they created in this land as other aryan priests were also doing the same in other societies in distant lands such as babylon, greece and italy. so the aryan groups benefitted immensely from their meaning-convoluted "religions" that they explained only in riddles, metaphors and/or allegorical terms. it seems that "religion making / operating" by these ancient aryan priests was one of the most profitable exploitation techniques designed to seduce and exploit the women and the wealth of the society. similar religions such as the so-called "dionysus" cult were also practiced in ancient greece and rome.


    from the references, we have the definition stating that: shaivism and shaktiism is the syncretistic religion now known as hinduism. the word syncretism is defined as follows:

    "[from french syncretisme, from greek syncretismos, from syncretizein to combine.] 1. the reconciliation or union of conflicting beliefs, especially, religious beliefs, or a movement or effort intending such. 2. in the development of a religion, the process of growth through coalescence of different forms of faith and worship or through accretions of tenets, rites, etc, from those religions which are being superseded. 3. philology, the union or fusion into one of two or more originally different inflectional forms, as of two cases." [webster's collegiate dictionary, 1947, p. 1012].

    indirectly, this definition states that new religions are restructured and combined forms of ancient beliefs, just like the indo-european and semitic languages are restructured and disguised forms of turkish. the concept seems to be the same in manufacturing religions and also manufacturing languages, that is to say: take it, restructure it, disguise it and after well mixing all of the ancient ideas, resell it as your own. the process has worked very well and still does. thus the concept of syncretism is nothing but mixing and combining.

    the item 3. definition above reference is also an allegorical description of the union of conflicting entities such as the union of man and woman. in this context the term syncretistic has a number of relevant turkish expressions built into it.

    1. when the word syncretistic, meaning "combined, united, put together", is rearranged as "cressti(r)ncity" or "c(r)esstirncity" and read phonetically as in turkish, we find the turkish expression "karishtirancitu" meaning "it is that which mixes together", "it is that which combines", "it is that which causes union". thus this deciphering gives the exact meaning as given in the definition.

    using this meaning of the word, it is clear that those who came up with later "religions" took the tenets of much earlier religions, particularly the tenets and töres of the ancient turanian religion and put them together, that is, mixed them up and called the result the "new tenets" of the "new religions". this is what the definition of the word "syncretism" is telling us happened. in other words, just like making new languages from ancient turkish, they did the same in the case of new religions. evidently, taking, altering, mixing, restructuring of a particular language, religion and civilization has been a very profitable business for some people.

    2. when the word syncretistic is rearranged as "sicistrencty" or "sikistrencty" and read phonetically as in turkish, we find the turkish expression "sikistirenciti" or "sikis ettirenciti" meaning "it is that which allows intercourse" , "it is that who arranges sex". thus, it is an act that encourages, facilitates and provides the moral excuse for intercourse to take place, more correctly, it is a deception concocted to seduce and take advantage of women sexually under the guise of divine permission - as if god wanted it that way. at the same time as having their sexual merriment, these "religious" operators were making financial gains from the act. thus, this deciphering into turkish describes the untold aspect of the term syncretistic in the above given definition. there are a number of other similar sexually oriented expressions in turkish embedded in the the term syncretistic. but these two definitions should suffice for its secretive identity.

    in the definition of tantra at url: http://www.luckymojo.com/tktantradefinition.html reference was also made to the word transcendentalism. this english word means "beyond understanding, otherworldly, supernatural" .

    a) when the word transcendentalism is rearranged letter-by-letter as "al-tanri-n- dessenmct" , i find the turkish expression:

    a1) "al tanrini dü?ünmekti" meaning "it is thinking about your sky-god al", that is, "it is meditation". the ancient turkish word al was another important name of turanian sky-god which meant the "red-sun" (turkish "al tanri" (al güne?)), the "spotted moon" (turkish "ala tanri" (ala ay)), and the supreme sky-god, that is, turkish "âlâ gök (aalaa göy) tanri"; turkish tanri means "god", dü?ünmek means "to think, to meditate", günes means "sun", ay means "moon", gök (göy) means "sky and blue", and âlâ (aalaa) means "supreme".

    a2) "al tanri dü?ünmekti" meaning "al god is thinking", "al god is wisdom", "al god is knowledge". this description of "al god" in turkish refers to the "human head" (red face, that is, turkish "alba?", "al tepe", "al yüz", "al aguz", "al oguz"). the ancient word "baal" (ba-al) expressing the name of the universal sky-god is the representation of the turkish "aba al" or "apa al" meaning "father al".

    this also explain why the so-called "red indians" painted their face with red paint. a red painted head, which is an "alba?", indicated their belief in the ancient turanian sky-god alba? concept. it also explaines why the ottoman turks wore "red fez" which made them "alba?" which represented their belief in the ancient turanian red sky-god. this explains the name the turkish albanians of the ancient azerbaijan who described themselves as "albaniz" (al beniz) meaning "we are red face" or simply "red face" and "al ben" meaning "i am red". this explaines the name "albanus" (alba longa) of ancient "latvia", italia who were the native turanian people of "latvia" who, together with other turanian people of etruscans built the so-called "eternal" city , that is, the city of "al tanru" meaning "red god city", by another turkish name "kizil alma" (kizilba?) meaning "red apple" which sun is metaphorically. after the city was taken by the "romans", its name was changed to "roma".

    the word basilica in the so-called "st. peter's basilica", in one meaning, is nothing but the turkish word "al basci" meaning "red head believers", and "ak-ba?li" meaning "with white head" both of which refer to sun and moon and the believers in these ancient sky deities.. it is said that the initial color of the st. peter's basilica's top (tepe) part was in red colour. the domes of all european churches and islamic mosques are made on this ancient turanian principle. even the name "mosque" is made up from turkish word "oqusem", that is, "oguzam" meaning "i am oguz" or "o gözem" meaning "i am that eye (göz)" which is red and golden sun and moon.

    this explains why one of the crowns of the ancient masar was in red (al) and another one was "blue" which referred to the color of sky and another one was "white" (ak) referring to the white and yellow colors of sun.

    this explains why the roman "centurion" soldiers had red crested head-dress (helmet) because the ancient turanian natives of italia, which is from turkish "altai öy", believed in the red sky-god "al apa" / "al ata" meaning "red father". this is why the roman military standards had an "hand" symbol at the top of the standard. turkish word for "hand" is "el" (al) which is a symbolic representation of the "al god" concept. it is also a symbolic symbol for turkish "yel han" (wind lord) for those who worshipped the wind.

    this is also verified from the decipherment of the word supernatural. when the word supernatural is rearranged letter-by-letter as "al-tanru-per- us", i find the turkish expressions: "al tanru bir as" meaning "al god is one peerless", and "al tanru bir us" meaning "al god is one wisdom" and "al god is one knowledge (bilgi)". furthermore, when the word supernatural is rearranged in the form of "al-tanru-er- pus", i find the turkish expression "al tanru er ba?" meaning "al god is man's head". all of these connect "man" and "god" concepts to each other in the ancient turanian civilization. of course the sky-god concept is "supernatural" and so is the "thinking and speaking capabilities of human head.

    b) additionally, when the word transcendentalism is rearranged letter-by-letter as: "cendinten-assirilm ati" or "cendinten-assirelm ate" where c is a k sound, we find the turkish expression "kendinden ashirilmadi" (kendinden geçirilmedi, uyutulmadi) meaning "it is causing the self to go into unconsciousness" , "it is self being put into trance" and "it is self being put into sleep" so that he/she does not know what is going on in reality". turkish "kendi means "self", "kendinden" means "from "himself/herself" and asirilmadi" means "it is being taken away". thus the source of this so-called "english" word is also in turkish.


    in concluding it can be said with confidence that the "sanskrit" or the "indo-european" words vishnu, shiva (siva), shivaism or shaivism, shakti, shaktiism, kamasutram, syncretistic, and transcendentalism are restructured words all made up from turkish expressions. they are the evidence that the language of the ancient world was turkish. they are words that have, at the very least, double meanings where one of the meanings is related to love and love-making (om) while the other is related to divine understanding of the sky-god in ancient times.

    i also want to make it absolutely clear that this analysis of some sanskrit words is not in any way a criticism of indian people for whom i have great respect. evidently an ancient small and secretive group has emposed their riddled thoughts on the trusting and honest people as they did at other places as well.

    best wishes to you and to all,

    polat kaya

    (kaynak: forward mail)

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