5 entry daha
  • hesap bile yapabilen yapay zeka ürünü msn listenizde bulunmasi gereken $ey.

    daha iyi anlatmak icin size encarta davetiyesi gonderiyor. bunun sayesinde gorerek ogreniyorsunuz sordugunuz $eyi, soruyu fakat kabul etmezseniz davetiyeyi alacaginiz cevap :

    you should accept my invitation! :(

    are you looking at my lips?
    encarta® instant answers:
    i know that i can pretend to be looking at your lips? at least you seem to think it's possible

    encarta® instant answers:
    7 months, 11 days, 9 hours, one minute and 45 seconds... androgynous... sunnyvale, ca
292 entry daha
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