13 entry daha
  • the economists' voicedeki kosesinde global warming hakkinda bir yazisi cikan nobel odullu ekonomist.

    yazisindan kucuk birkac alinti:

    "... but in spite of kyoto’s achievements, the united states, the world’s largest polluter, refuses to join in and continues to pollute more and more, while the developing countries, which in the not too distant future will be contributing 50% or more of global emissions, have been left without firm commitments to do anything. it is now clear that something else is needed. i propose here an agenda to deal first with the united states’ pollution and second with developing countries..."

    "...there is a simple remedy: other countries should prohibit the importation of american goods produced using energy intensive technologies, or, at the very least, impose a high tax on them, to offset the subsidy that those goods currently are receiving..."

    yazinin tamamina buradan ulasilabilir:

    ozet olarak adam kendi ulkesinin dunyanin basindaki en buyuk belalardan biri olan global warmingin en buyuk musebbibi oldugunu ikrar edip, diger ulkelere amerikan urunlerine karsi ambargo uygulamayi oneriyor. amerikanin dis ticaret aciginin cok tehlikeli boyutlara ulastigi dusunulurse bu oneri daha da ciddilesiyor.

    allahtan adam turk degil, yoksa adamin ne vatan hainligi kalirdi ne de soros cocuklugu. bir de nobeli almis ki hic kurtulusu olmazdi valla.
46 entry daha
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